Start Your Journey Now Often, the hardest step for an entrepreneur to take is the very first step. Taking a risk means accepting the possibility of failure, and the thought alone is enough to stop forward progress for many would-be success stories. But letting fear or self doubt hold you back will likely translate to regret...
Overcoming Hardships to Find Success There is a common thread you’ll find amongst the most successful people you know: often, they don’t experience success despite experiencing hardship, they experience success because they’ve overcome hardship. When you experience inevitable challenges on your journey towards a goal, view your setbacks as puzzles that can be solved and learned from, not as obstacles that can’t be...
The Importance of Accuracy Over Expediency As a leader, you may feel the pressure to quickly provide an answer to every question, every time. But, in fact, effective leaders know that they don’t have to have all the answers; what they have to be able to do is leverage their resources to find the answers....
Identifying Your Setbacks If you’re experiencing setbacks on your way to success, one of the most beneficial actions you can take for yourself is to analyze what’s holding you back. Is the timing wrong? Are you financially in the right place to make your goal happen? Have you lost sight of what your goal was...
Perspective Taking and Decision Making Effective leadership isn’t always about sole decision making; sometimes it involves simply taking the time to sit down and listen. I’ve discussed thoughtful listening in the past, and the idea that as a leader you’ll be well suited to hear out your team members and to speak with your team genuinely. When you...
The Importance of Educating Your Clients Don’t just speak to your customers, take the time to educate them. If you want to keep your clients happy, be sure to educate them on what it is you do and what they can expect from you! This translates to many professions, but here’s a relevant example for...
Outlook is Everything Here is an interesting piece about how negative thoughts can permeate and affect many facets of our lives. The author points out that, in medicine, the negative presentation of an event or therapy can potentially lead to more negative outcomes — she refers to this as the “nocebo effect”. As a leader, you...
Keeping Brand Promises Whether you provide a service or a product, the lesson is simple: keep your brand promises. And if you can’t keep them, don’t make any! Your brand’s promises, whether they are stated outright or they are implied, work to set you apart from your competition. When those promises are authentic and you make an effort...
Never Stop Learning Strive to never allow yourself to stop soaking up knowledge! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you know everything there is to know about your field. When you’re of the mindset that your time as a student never truly ends, you open up a world of possibilities for yourself and for your business.
Make More of Yourself Are you truly committed to achieving success in business, or just along for the ride? Every person reading this will have a different answer concerning what motivates them, but the common thread (and best way to motivate yourself when you may lack direction or confidence) is that you are working towards a...