Cultivate Success Your business is only as strong as the team you assemble to support it; it’s a simple concept, but one that is too often ignored by headstrong entrepreneurs trying to achieve business growth quickly. Never think that you can cultivate success alone — without the foundation of a strong team, you should never expect...
In business, fostering genuine relationships with the right people can open the right doors for you—so treat those relationships like fine china. Ensure that you are taking the time to grow your relationships and don’t neglect to foster new ones.
I’ve come to find that the most successful (and well-liked) entrepreneurs have mastered the important skill of remaining humble. Is it possible to be humble while still allowing yourself to accept the credit you deserve? Absolutely! Even the highest paid CEOs of Fortune 500 companies will have questions, and having humility means recognizing when the input of your peers...
This simple piece of advice to follow your skill set is, surprisingly, often overlooked. Closely examine your skill set and talents when considering your future career and entrepreneurial endeavors and you will surely be on the fast track to success.
Passion is Not Always the Answer Often, idealistic entrepreneurs bet everything on following their passion. Realistically, passion is not the key to success for every person and every situation. Instead, turn to your skill set and your relationships to guide you toward a career in which you will be successful! Once you have a solid...
Admit Your Mistakes As I’ve mentioned previously, I strongly believe that authenticity is paramount when conducting business. When you are unafraid to admit your mistakes, you add to this authenticity as an entrepreneur.
Mental Attitude Whether or not it’s immediately evident, your mental attitude is a massive contributing factor to success. Want to succeed? The best way to get ahead (in business and in life) is to believe that you can do it.
Leverage Your Relationships When I was faced with a career crossroads in my thirties, I knew I had to leverage my relationships to be successful. I made it happen, and, with determination and consideration of your skill set, I’m positive that you can do it as well. Learning to leverage your relationships is an immensely...
Build relationships to build business. If you aren’t spending time nurturing your valuable relationships (whether they be with employees, colleagues, superiors, loved ones, and even competitors) you are doing yourself a disservice. Where might these relationships take you in the future? You’ll only ever find out by taking the time to grow them to fruition!
Complacency in Business It can be all too easy to slip into complacency in business without being consciously aware of the occurrence. Don’t fret—you also have the power to reverse the stagnation and continue to grow once again!